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How Long Does it Take to Finalize a Divorce in New Jersey?

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If you are deciding to end your marriage, you may be feeling an uncomfortable mix of emotions. The process can be complex and time-consuming depending on the circumstances of your relationship. Understanding the legal process and timeline of divorce is important in ensuring your rights are protected and you set your expectations of what is to come. If you are wondering about how long it will take to finalize your NJ divorce, contact a Union County divorce attorney to speak to an experienced lawyer and acquire skilled representation.

What is the Process of Getting Divorced?

The process of getting divorced will vary slightly from couple to couple. However, the following information is generally helpful when considering what steps need to be taken to file for divorce.

  1. One spouse files a divorce petition with the local court
  2. The other spouse receives the complaint and responds by either agreeing with or disputing the terms
  3. Both parties gather relevant documents and information during the discovery process
  4. The couple attends mediation or negotiation sessions to discuss property division, alimony, child custody, etc.
  5. If no agreement is reached the case goes to trial where a judge will rule on the above topics
  6. The judge issues a final divorce judgment outlining the terms of the divorce

How Long Will It Taketo Finalize My NJ Divorce?

There is really no telling how long it will take for you to get your divorce finalized as it varies with each couple. The following factors can impact the time it takes between filing for divorce and receiving a final judgment.

  • How well you and your spouse cooperate and if you are on the same page about various issues. When a couple has disputes regarding the terms of the divorce it can cause the process to extend several months or even years.
  • The amount of assets and debts you have as a couple can also impact the length of the divorce process. The more complex the case the longer it will take to resolve.
  • Whether or not you have children together. Couples with shared children will face an extended timeline as more decisions need to be made like custody agreements and financial support.
  • The court may also have limited availability. If they are backlogged with dozens of cases you may not be able to acquire a hearing date for several weeks or months. This time will be spent simply waiting for a time slot to open up.

Many states implement a mandatory waiting period between the date the divorce petition is filed and the time that the process can be finalized. Waiting periods can vary from a few weeks to several months and are required to give couples an opportunity to reconcile their differences or prepare for the divorce proceedings. Fortunately for New Jersey couples, there is no waiting period required. This means that in an uncontested divorce with no disputes or conflict, a judgment can be issued in as little as 6 to 8 weeks. Most divorces are not so easily resolved and most couples take anywhere from 3 months to a year to get their divorce finalized.

Acquire help from a skilled divorce attorney who will keep your best interests in mind and ensure your rights are protected during the lengthy process.


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Mediation Services

Our firm believes that exploring alternatives to litigation can greatly benefit our client. Our firm’s established mediation practice can help you resolve family law issues more efficiently, amicably and at a lower cost. If you are interested in knowing more about our mediation services, contact the firm to discuss your situation.

“This firm and it's team are the best out there, hands down. Robyn Ross helped me through a difficult time. Something that should have been...”

– Nestor –

“Robyn navigated me through a difficult period and explained every piece of the process in great detail along the way. I know in the end...”

– Clarissa –

“Robyn Ross handled my two cases and won both, her passion and expertise was beyond a 5-star rating. She communicated with me through both cases...”

– Abdul –

“Liz represented me throughout a long and difficult divorce process. She was a godsend. Her knowledge, compassion, dedication, and commitment are unparalleled. I can not...”

– Peter –

“The hardest part of going through a divorce or separation is the children. I’m so thankful that I had this firm represent my case. Ross...”

– Paula –

“This is a great counsel team. Very knowledgeable, professional and compassionate. They also make you feel like you are their only client, very attentive!”

– Bettyna J. –

“This firm and it's team are the best out there, hands down. Robyn Ross helped me through a difficult time. Something that should have been...”

– Nestor –

“Robyn navigated me through a difficult period and explained every piece of the process in great detail along the way. I know in the end...”

– Clarissa –

“Robyn Ross handled my two cases and won both, her passion and expertise was beyond a 5-star rating. She communicated with me through both cases...”

– Abdul –

“Liz represented me throughout a long and difficult divorce process. She was a godsend. Her knowledge, compassion, dedication, and commitment are unparalleled. I can not...”

– Peter –

“The hardest part of going through a divorce or separation is the children. I’m so thankful that I had this firm represent my case. Ross...”

– Paula –

“This is a great counsel team. Very knowledgeable, professional and compassionate. They also make you feel like you are their only client, very attentive!”

– Bettyna J. –

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